Rafting on Ganga | India Travelogue

River Runners Pilgrimage – Rafting on Ganga | India Travelogue

Rafting is about nervous anticipation, heart stopping build-ups, meeting the challenge, the thrill of the rapids, the solitude of the calms, sights seen, experiences shared, knowledge gained, campfire tales, new found friends. All of it sums up a trip of a lifetime, there for anyone with an inclination to experience, as we did, the best of a white water journey on rafts – probably the only adventure sport which enables a complete novice to attain an adrenaline rush at par with that of a professional, each and every time.

The Aquaterra Team

An Important update by the Aquaterra Founder

Despite the huge economic impact of the Coronavirus, we want to remain cognizant of the huge public health challenge this is, and we hope you are all doing everything to reduce the spread and reduce pressure on the system. Please practice safe distancing to protect our elders and those with low immunity within our community.  We hope this will bring the adventure industry together, closer than ever before.

Trek Bans in India due to Mass Tourism

The Outdoor Journal – Mass Trekking in India: A Disease For Which We’ll All Suffer

From unreported deaths, to unsustainable human activity and environmental degradation. India’s national heritage is at stake. Statistics say that the outdoors is now nearly 70% of all leisure, vacation based travel, globally. This has massive ramifications in a country like India – where guidelines are available, but actual regulation, monitoring and implementation are abysmal.

Rising Rapids: India Today

Rising Rapids

Ningguing village in Arunachal Pradesh has probably never noticed such hectic activity. Nestled in dense tropical rainforest at the confluence of the Purang river with the mighty Siang (as the upper Brahmaputra is called), it offers the first formidable challenge in the form of a very sizeable big volume Class 5 rapid.